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Case Study
Written for Private Tutoring Company
Case Study / Ace Cookie Tutoring
Capstone Project Required to Graduate
Many schools, especially universities, have adopted a program called the capstone project. The capstone is the final piece to show that a student has gained the knowledge and skills to be successful in a chosen field. At some schools, the capstone may be an actual physical project, but more often than not, it’s a long research paper.
Robbie contacted Ace Cookie Tutoring in late October. He was a graduate student at a military university, and the only remaining obstacle to receiving his Master’s degree that December was the capstone project.
His university required a 25 page paper including an introduction, abstract, limitations of study, and other sections that were completely foreign to Robbie. Robbie’s field of study was green logistics. Knowledge, statistics, and research were elements Robbie had. He had excelled in his classes, but writing a complex research paper in a specific format including proper grammar had Robbie nervous. He asked his daughter’s teacher for help, and she referred him to Ace Cookie Tutoring.
Jessyka, the company’s founder, spoke with Robbie on the initial consultation. Jessyka has written, edited, and tutored many students writing papers. She felt that with help Robbie could meet the looming deadline and graduate in December.
Robbie shared the capstone requirements with Jessyka. Robbie had collected a great deal of research and data. He just didn’t know how to put it all together to create a paper that would meet his graduation requirements.
Robbie and Jessyka created a schedule that included writing deadlines for Robbie, review and editing by Jessyka, and meetings with both to guarantee progress. Robbie knew he could contact Jessyka and expect a quick response. He had no reason to become frustrated in the writing process because he had a virtual writing professional at his side throughout the process.
Robbie met each submission deadline from his professor. He turned in his abstract, his limitation of study, and his literature review until all was complete.
Before the drop dead date, Robbie’s paper was edited, assembled, and ready to be scored.
Robbie received his diploma in December knowing that with Ace Cookie Tutoring’s help he had written an A level graduate thesis.
Ace Cookie Tutoring can help you too. Don’t let fear stop you from graduating.
Case Study written and researched by DoveCopywriting.com