I’m still a full time teacher, so it seems that education is the obvious answer. But, that is only a small part of who I am.
In a live session through AWAI, Ilise Benun and guest, Terri Trespicio, discussed this very concern.
Though neither is against choosing a niche, it is not their primary focus. Honing your craft and becoming a good writer seems more important.
In AWAI’s 21 Day Challenge with Ilise Benum, we are reaching out to prospects. What we say in our messages and why we are reaching out to prospects is more important than a niche.
The goal is to create a quality LinkedIn profile that reflects who we are and what we do. Ideally, it will represent the high quality copy we can create for the clients we seek.
Do not be ashamed to have knowledge of more than one industry. Use it to your advantage. Many of the participants who are receiving positive feedback from connection requests are contacting former colleagues.
Choosing a niche has value if you know what industry you wish to write for. You can optimize your website and your LinkedIn profile for more hits.
LinkedIn is the main focus of this particular program, but there is another facet that cannot be denied.
We are marketing ourselves and our skills.
How much time are you willing to spend to become the writer you want to be? That is the real question.